Alicia Power Soul Healing Livestream - Single Event

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Friday, May 19th at 9pm US (ET)
(check the time in your area here)



When Creator Beings Start The Path Home

Join Alicia Power as she channels Creator Beings Above All Universes who bring a height of Light never before permitted into the physical plane.

“After a long arduous journey to equanimity and strength, the hero/ine returns to her/his homeland and begins repairing broken bones, memories, hearts.”

The Creator Beings in our Light Upgrade on Friday will repair our Soul Hearts, as we collectively steer determinedly into a new higher LIGHT SPHERE.

… A North Star Light Field far higher in frequency than Earth Fields have ever felt or allowed before.

This Upgrade will be intentionalized by our collective HEART. The part of collective humanity that YEARNS for harmony and calm. For happiness and elevation. For Home Frequency.

The GREAT LORDS OF LIGHT in their vast echelons of God Love spheres, have HEARD humanity’s collective HEART.

And WANT to respond.

By GRANTING AS A GIFT a NEW WAVE of Cosmic Creator Light.

It is THIS Light we will imbue during our group event on Friday with the Creator Beings.

All attendees will be HOLDERS, vessels of this Light.

A Sacred Awakening. A Sacred Task to HOLD this Light.

Mote it Be.

You are welcome to join us on Friday.

With love, 

Alicia xxx

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Comments From Previous Livestreams

I'm ever so grateful for the healing and the opportunity to help facilitate in this global healing session.”

These incredible sessions feel like we are doing the spiritual work that would take lifetimes at light-speed.”

I was touched to tears. Love ...”

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